Fast Food Review: McDonald’s McRib

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Score: 5.8/10

The McRib has come around again so I figured I’d give it a review.

I must confess, I don’t get the McRib. I don’t get why people like it. It’s certainly not the worst thing I’ve ever eaten, but I can’t say that it’s good either. And yet, a lot of people love it. I don’t get it.

The patty is essentially pieces of pork meet shaped into something that sort of resembles the shape or ribs. It’s then drenched in a heavy, tangy barbecue sauce with pickles and onions on top.

The patty is gross. It’s over processed pork meat and it tastes like it. The barbecue sauce is too heavy, like eating a bad of melted Jolly Ranchers. I love onions, but there were way too many raw onions here. It was just a lousy sandwich that costs too much (over $5 for me).

Overall, this was trash. I don’t get why people like it. It doesn’t taste good.

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