Comic Book Review: Silver Surfer: Black, Issue #1

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Score: 7.4/10

Silver Surfer: Black has some of the best art I’ve seen in recent memory. It’s unique, fluid and frenetic. For the art alone, this is a book you must read.

Silver Surfer: Black immediately follow Thanos death and the reading of his last will and testament. A bunch of heroes attended and they were all thrown into a black hole along with the Silver Surfer. The Surfer saves them, but is thrown into a new realm with new gods and entities.

The story is aptly cosmic and filled with the exact mix of fantasy and science fiction characters that I would expect from a Silver Surfer story. It’s fun stuff.

The highlight is still the art. I love these cosmic books because the art style can really go bonkers with it’s depiction of the plot. The art is highly stylized and not photo realistic in the slightest. The art also avoids the misstep of being so bonkers that you cannot tell what’s going on, a common pitfall of these types of books that go all in on heavily stylized art.

Overall, the book was great and I look forward to reading the rest of the issues in this miniseries. The second issue should be coming out this Wednesday.

Score: 7.4/10

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