Coffee Review: Starbucks Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

Details: More information can be found at

Score: 6.8/10

Every so often Starbucks promotes some new drink or old drink with old ingredients in new combinations. The iced toasted vanilla oatmilk shaken espresso is their newest featured drink on their app.

Overall, there’s nothing too special about this drink. It’s not bad, but nothing special. More importantly, it’s really a showcase at what kind of drinks you can get at Starbucks as their biggest attraction is allowing very customizable cups of coffee.

For instance, something I hate about ice coffees is that the flavoring syrup often settles on the bottom. However, this was shaken so there’s no issue here and it’s something you can ask for in your future drinks are Starbucks. I also recommend asking for as little ice as possible because they really go overboard with the ice at Starbucks.

Fast Food Review: Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato

Details: More information can be found at

Score: 6.5/10

As with most macchiatos, the most satisfying part of this drink is watching the layers of espresso and milk mix together. Otherwise, this no different than any other macchiato except that is apple flavored. Not bad, but I still wouldn’t buy it because of its price and the relatively small serving sizes at Starbucks.

Fast Food Review: Dunkin’ Coconut Macaroon Iced Coffee

Details: Official site is

Score: 6/10

Imagine taking every coconut flavored additive and adding it into a single coffee drink. That’s what this is. They take coconut milk, coconut flavor shots, and caramel flavor swirls and just add all together. What’s surprising is that the taste of coconut is still really mild. That’s mostly because coconut milk and coconut flavor shots are both really subtle, like coconut water. Coconut additive simply don’t have a strong taste unless you really overdose on the coconut flavor. So the end results here is just a mildly sweet, potentially vegan coffee drink. It really is no different than any other iced coffee except for the very mild coconut flavor.

Fast Food Review: Dunkin’ Coconutmilk Iced Latte

Details: More information can be found at

Score: 7/10

This pretty much tastes like any iced latte from Dunkin,’ which is kind of the point. This is meant a decent enough tasting substitute for vegan customers and it serves that purpose well.

Coconut milk has little to no taste, but it does have the same density and mouth feel as dairy milk and that’s enough. The coffee taste is strong enough to make the lack of any milk taste irrelevant.

Overall, this was a fine dairy milk substitute. If you are vegan or lactose intolerant, this is a great alternative.

Fast Food Review: Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry Iced Matcha Latte

Details: More information can be found at

Score: 5.4/10

Dunkin’ Donuts started a new promotion for matcha themed food and drinks. If you don’t know, matcha is basically Japanese style finely ground green tea leaves. In east Asian countries, people love matcha. There’s supposed to be some sort of vague health benefit associated with green tea, but I’m not sure about any of that.

In any case, this drink was pretty bad. Most of the blame falls on the blueberry flavor swirls. People who like matcha want to taste the green tea flavor. The blueberry flavor not only covers that up, it tastes incredibly artificial by itself. It rivals the nasty coconut flavor swirl/shot that Dunkin’ also has. It’s just not good. Even without the blueberry, I barely tasted any of the green tea flavor in this drink at all. For the purposes of this drink, the matcha was simply food coloring.

Overall, this is a bad drink. Blueberry and matcha don’t mix, the blueberry flavoring is bad by itself, and even if you took out the blueberry, I doubt you’d be able to taste any of that matcha flavor. Don’t bother wasting your money on this.