Comic Book Review: Titans

Details: This is a review for the series that was initially published in 2016. More information can be found at

Score: 5.4/10

With the release of the new Titans television series, it seemed apt to have a similarly named comic book also be released along side of it for a little cross promotion. Titans the comic book does not relate at all to the television series and instead seeks to bring back the old roster of the original Teen Titans and set them on new adventures. Unfortunately, this book just ends up overly dramatic and kind of boring. The art is also not really doing it for me.

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Comic Book Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws

Details: This is a review of volume one and volume two. The first volume was released in 2011 and the second was renumbered and was initially released in 2016 and is ongoing. More information can be found at and

Score: 6.3/10

Red Hood and the Outlaws follows Jason Todd, the second Robin, as he forges new friendships and fights crime on his terms. That usually means lots of killing.

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Comic Book Review: Super Sons

Details: First issue was published in 2017. More information can be found at

Score: 6.9/10

Super Sons is a series telling the story of Superman’s son, Jonathan Kent, and Batman’s son, Damian Wayne, and the misadventures the two regularly get in. The comic was canceled a while back, but it’s still a fun story with plenty of childish hijinks and bro-mance moments.

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Comic Book Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us

The above clip is just a preview for Grounds Zeroes I found on the DC Comics YouTube page.

Details: This is a review of all Injustice: Gods Among Us series. There are six series with each series ranging from twenty-four to forty issues. The six series are Year One through Year Five and Ground Zeroes. Official site is

Score: 6.3/10

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a surprisingly successful comic book series based on the video game of the same name. What’s so surprising about this series is just how successful it was and how much people enjoyed a derivative series based off another property. Usually, these things aren’t all that entertaining, but this series was really fun for a lot of people. I just thought it was okay.

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Comic Book Review: Dark Nights: Metal

Details: Published from 2017 to 2018 by DC Comics. Six issues. Mostly written by Scott Snyder and mostly drawn by Greg Capullo. Official site is

Dark Knights: Metal is bonkers. It is absolutely crazy. Metal is DC’s big crossover comic book event from last year and centers mostly on Batman. Drawing from the story lines occurring after Rebirth, Snyder tells a crazy, overstuffed story that could have easily taken thirty issues instead of six.

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